Who we are

Splendourz Body & Lounges Limited (SB&L) is a Sales and Services Company founded in September 2005. It first started as a car Boot Sale of mixed items ranging from general clothing and cosmetics to other accessories; sold to friends, colleagues, business offices and other numerous places, and then it progressed to the rental of its first shop, which eventually is the business head office presently. The company status was restructured and incorporated as a Private Limited Company on the 12th of November 2010 with the new name; Splendourz Body and Lounges Limited; SB&L. Thankfully, it has gone International, it started a branch in the United Kingdom in 2013, with major affiliates in the Europe and United States. Our Online service has an efficient wide range delivery to the entire West Africa.

Our next task and target is to establish branches in as much countries as possible in Africa.

Splendourz is driven by the aspiration to explore the finest imaginations of its customers and clients with the purpose of enhancing their wellbeing and at the same time for us to build a profitable business. The name Splendourz is derived from the word ‘’splendour’’, simply meaning Magnificent or Finest, hence we strive to give the best and bring out the best in people. Our slogan is ‘Experience the Finest’. It is a brief slogan but very extensive in meaning, in the sense that we encourage our customers, clients and the public to experience the finest in life, as there is just so much in a lifetime to see, feel and do; and at Splendourz you have a wide range of opportunity to Experience the Finest things and activities which certainly help to spice up your life and make it more worth living. We differentiate ourselves in the Commercial region by focusing on products and services that other businesses do not do or cannot do; we also operate differently and upgrade periodically and are forever changing and improving, which is one of our competitive edges, as our research show that customers easily get turned off by monotony.

We are very Liberal, Friendly, Patient, Understanding, Helpful and Professional. Our outreach is Secular; it is non-cultural, non-political and non-religious. Therefore, whatever your orientations, views, principles, believes, desires and fantasies are, just know that YOU ARE WELCOME!