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The company is committed to high standards of corporate management in its business. It has a corporate responsibility of monitoring each division’s Task and Target. There is a clear differentiation of each Division, their Management and Functions. The Linehead of each Division reports weekly to the Manager and attends the general Management meeting every three months. Each Linehead is considered independent and they all bring to the board their wide and varied experience and ideas for deliberations.

We aim to ensure that all employees have equal opportunity to develop their skills and ability, and are rewarded for their contribution to the success of the Business.

As a customer oriented Firm, we make it one of our priorities to always listen to our customers, clients and colleagues and then look into our firm to understand what is likely to be in the way of our best delivery and services to customers and clients.

The entire Splendourz work force will be speculated at about 85 employees of diverse professional status and ethnicity.

We are constantly on the lookout for new and talented people to join our team. If you have a passion for achieving great results send us an email with your resume and we will get in touch with you if and when a vacancy becomes available.